BFN Productions Ltd T/A Pramaze

Cookie Policy

About this Policy

This Policy explains what cookies are and how we use them. It includes details of the types of Cookies we set, the information we collect when using them and how that information is used.

You can learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal data in our Privacy Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are stored on your browser when you visit a website. They can often serve crucial functions and help us to keep our website secure and to function properly which helps us to provide you with a better experience. They can also help us to analyse how the website performs, what works and where we can make improvements.

How we use Cookies?

Our website uses First Party Cookies for a number of purposes. These are mostly necessary for our website to function in the right way and to obtain and record your cookie preferences. As we have identified these as Strictly Necessary, these are pre enabled when you visit our website.

We also use Analytics cookies. These are used to understand how the website performs, how you interact with it, and helps us to provide you with a better, faster and improved experience. These are noted as Analytics cookies in the preference options and you can update your consent for these preferences at any time by clicking on ‘Customize’

Social Media and External Links – where you access us via external links or social media platforms, we also have no control over those websites and the cookies they set, so please bear in mind that you should set your preferences in line with their own policies and cookie controls separately.

Our Digital Business Cards – We work with our Digital Business Cardholders to help them provide you with the ability to manage cookies on their card. Cookies on these cards can vary depending on the content requested on each card. The cookies loaded by us are included in this policy, however, please remember to check the privacy and cookie information from the cardholder.

No matter what cookie control is in place, you can also adjust your own browser to delete or block cookies. To learn more about how to manage your browser cookie settings please see

What cookies do we set?

Analytics Cookies

We use Analytics cookies to help us to understand how the number of visitors to our website and how they interact with it, for example which pages are visited and for how long. These help us to continually improve our website and services. The data is reported anonymously without any personal data included.

Below is a list of the cookies set by our website:

Use of cookies can change over time or when a new service or function is added to our website. To ensure that this policy remains up to date, we regularly carry out ‘cookie audits’ and update our list of cookies accordingly.

This policy was last updated on 16th December 2020.